Read left to right.
This blog will cover all my thoughts, reviews, and whatever else I can think of regarding anime/manga.
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Please take this moment to stop any watching/reading of any anime/manga. I HIGHLY recommend you start reading Tower of God. It is a manhwa/web toon that is simply the most engaging story I have ever witnessed. I have not had my self control of not being able to stop reading taken away from me like this for such a long time. As soon as I get access to my computer I will attempt to give the first volume a fair review.
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Happy Holidays
To everyone in the world I wish you a happy time off from work, school, or what ever drains you in life. I have some reviews planned for some airing anime as well as a first look at a manga I have been looking forward to for a long time. I plan on being much more active now that I have settled into my life some more so for the next anime season look forward to more frequent posts.
Monday, September 30, 2013
"Kampfer" Anime Review
***Spoiler free review***
Well I have to be honest; I knew exactly what I was getting
into when I started watching Kampfer.
I was told it was a no nonsense ecchi with some serious omg female x female
moments but I did manage to enjoy the show for more than the tits it showed off…asses
Story: 1.5/10
2 teams; red vs. blue; butt and boob shots every other
scene; women who are a little too bicurious; you get the gist of the show. Wasn’t
really interested in the plot at all but for what it’s worth the show did keep
me interested until all hell broke loose on episode thirteen. Speaking of
episode thirteen, that episode takes “Well that escalated quickly” to a whole
new level.
Animation: 7/10
Pretty solid in my honest opinion. The eyes where my favorite
aspect of the animation with props also going to the detail of the female
character models. For a show that relies heavily on fanservice, it’s a good
thing they got that right.
Sound: 5/10
Soundtrack was extremely generic and forgetful. The voice
actors however did a pretty good job; while I cannot list the actors off the
top of my head, I did recognize a couple from other anime I have enjoyed.
Characters: 7/10
I’ll probably get a lot of flak for this but I actually
enjoyed the character interactions in this show (and no not just the sexualish
stuff). The bits that played off between each character was actually pretty funny
to watch in most cases. Even though I hate indecisive male leads, it sometimes
pays off to have multiple romantic options.
Overall: 5.1/10
I normally do not watch ecchi shows since I like stuff with
substance but I was just in one of those moods to watch this kind of crap.
Funny thing is compared to other ecchi no nonsense anime (Campione! and the newest season of High School DxD) this one was actually somewhat enjoyable. If you
are looking for something to watch that involves bouncing balls of fat then
here you go. You might just pay attention a little bit.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
"Love Lab" Anime Review
***Spoiler free review***
Love Lab is one of those many (and when I say many I really mean millions) cutesy girl anime that revolve around a
Story: 4/10
I found the premise of the show extremely superficial since I find it hardly believable that these girls would have almost no experience even being around boys. Basically these girls
Animation: 6/10
This just may be my weirdness but I swear at one point in the show the animation quality dropped down. I feel as if things like how the character’s hair flowed or the clarity of background objects just suddenly lost effort. Regardless the show sports some okish visuals. Each character is very appealing to look at (eyes yum) but other than that I feel as if everything else was just passable.
Sound: 4.5/10
Nothing really stood out here. Some ok tunes but I didn’t find anything over the top. Didn’t like the OP or ending stuff either.
Characters: 8/10
I LOVED all the characters except the annoying vice president Maki. Other than her, all the other characters really flowed well with each other and brought some sort of enjoyment to what was going on. My personal favorite was Enomoto since she eventually starts to open up to the club and provide some helpfulness.
Overall: 5.6/10
Overall the show was pretty bland but I did end up enjoying it. Loved the character interactions and there were some moments of awesomeness on the animation front (though VERY limited). I would recommend this anime as one of those rainy day type stuff you watch when there is literally nothing left.
"Danganronpa Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei The Animation" Anime Review
***Spoiler free review***
Danganronpa Kibou no
Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei The Animation (holy fu@# what a mouthful of
a title) was a wildcard anime for me this past season. When I watched the first
episode I had no idea if I was going to end up liking my investment. I am
pleased to announce that I did end up enjoying the show even if the ending was
pretty boring.
Story: 5/10
So the plot was pretty intriguing in the beginning. The
anime follows the main protagonist Naegi as he and the other highschool
students struggle to survive in the crazy dog eat dog world they find
themselves in. Every episode follows a monster of the week type format where
there is a murder each episode that the students have to solve and vote on. I rather
enjoyed this aspect of the plot; to see what alliances formed between the cast
and how each one responded to being called guilty. I would say that the one
thing that really hurts this anime is how predictable the future events are to
see coming. It was quite obvious to me who killed each person in each episode
(except for the last one). Even though it was predictable, I still ended up
enjoying most of the show. The ending however really let me down; don’t want to
spoil it so all I’ll say is that it felt very melodramatic and rushed. I have
heard that the anime was very faithful to the game it was based on so props for
Animation: 9/10
LOVED THE EYES IN THIS ANIME. Yeah the animation was very
spot on in every episode as the character models were very defined and seemed
quite unique compared to any other anime I have seen. If I had to complain
about anything it would be how a lot of the miscellaneous objects off camera
center seemed very undefined.
Sound: 8.5/10
Liked the soundtrack and thought the voice actors did a
great job. Shout out to the voices of Togami and Kirigiri. Not so much Naegi he
just came off pretty pathetic for most of the show.
Characters: 5.5/10
To put it bluntly, every character in this anime is some stereotype
of another show already out. You have the super shy, sportsy tomboy, larger
nerd type person, ext. There are some good moments between the characters but
the only developing friendship you become aware of is between Naegi and
Kirigiri. The cast did work well with each other though so some points have to
be given there.
Overall: 7/10
The show was pretty enjoyable. It had an interesting start
and went off like a rocket. It did start to lose some steam once people started
dying off and I still think it could have ended better but that is just my
opinion. I recommend this if you like detective style anime.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Hey I'm Back!
So funny story; I just realized that I started watching To Aru Kagaku no Railgun S not realizing
that there was a preceding season…no wonder I was a tad lost at the beginning.
Anyways so this is my first post in like two months. While I doubt there are
not that many returning readers, I still feel bad that I had pretty much left
without really adding any content. Moving across country, starting at a new
job, and getting WAY too attached to TOR really dragged me away from the blog.
While I have been watching the currently airing anime every week, I haven’t
even thought about writing down my thoughts. So to correct that I have already
started some reviews up for what is currently airing. The season will be ending
soon so once the shows finish I just have to write in my ending thoughts on
them. Also I will start researching what will be airing next season so that I
can accurately decide what doesn’t look like absolute crap. This season has a
couple good ones but overall I have dropped like three or four anime just because
of how boring they were.
P.S. I have started seriously working on my music again. If
you would take the time to visit my bandcamp page I would greatly appreciate
it. All my music is free unless you feel like contributing a little bit.
Sunday, July 7, 2013
"Zettai Bouei Leviathan" Anime Review
***There is one tiny spoiler in the Story section***
Well it looks like Haiyore! Nyaruko-san W has some company for most generic anime of this season.Story: 3/10
Zettai Bouei Leviathan is a boring anime with cute girls. So there are girls, they get together, one of them loses a staff I think..they end up going to a spa…yeah. This anime was not interesting what so ever. There was an attempt to have an overlaying plot but in reality all this anime tried to do was put out cute yuri scenes.
Animation: 6.5/10
The animation was pretty good but not amazing. The lighting was actually really well done and the character models looked pretty good. The issue though was that there was a noticeable drop in quality at some moments during the show’s airing. Some great looking scenes but a lot of average ones as well.
Sound: 5/10
Average voice acting; average soundtrack.
Characters: 4.2/10
So the characters worked ok with each other but they were far from interesting on an individual level. Bahamut is your typical rich loud girl, Jörmungandr is the tomboy, and Leviathan is the shy one. Just some basic empty shells.
Overall: 4.7/10
This show like Haiyore! Nyaruko-san W was just pure averageness. I find it almost unfathomable how shows like these make it to airing…oh yeah it’s because of the boobs.
Saturday, July 6, 2013
"Namiuchigiwa no Muromi-san" Anime Review
***This is a spoiler free review***
For a short time format anime, Namiuchigiwa no Muromi-san sure packs a huge punch with it’s amazing animation and voice acting.Story: 5.5/10
Let’s get this straight; there is no plot in this anime. While some of the episodes build on each other, most are self contained. What you get in this anime is exactly what it does well; gag skits. Literally every episode is something leading up to a gag. While most of the content in the show pertains to Japanese common knowledge, most subs will provide tooltips for the things you might not understand.
Overall the show is really funny and enjoyable; there just isn’t anything overly interesting going on.
Animation: 9.9/10
The animation is fresh, unique, and oozing with quality. Every scene looks amazing due to the lighting effects and over exaggeration animation style. The character models look great and the amount of quality in the shots remains constant if not better as the show progresses.
Sound: 8.5/10
The soundtrack was pretty interesting and diverse for an anime of this style. The opening song was some sort of weird mix of heavy and pop rock but was pretty good regardless. The voice actors did a tremendous job in this anime; each character’s personality was brought out extremely well due to some quality voiceovers.
Characters: 8.5/10
While I gave the character score a pretty good number, it’s not because the characters themselves are good (they are quite average actually); what the anime excels at is how well the interactions play off. The anime is so funny because of how the characters present themselves around others. While we do have some of the typical characters (big boob airhead, Cute airhead, ext.), Takurou and Muromi are surprisingly interesting. When put together, their performance is quite good due to the chemistry that slowly forms over time.
Overall: 8.1/10
This was a real shocker; while I normally stray away from the shorter time format anime, I am so glad I followed this one. The amazing animation style coupled with the funny characters and comedic scenes makes this anime a must watch for those looking for a quick laugh.
Friday, July 5, 2013
"Haiyore! Nyaruko-san W" Anime Review
***This is a spoiler free review***
Never in my life did I think that Haiyore! Nyaruko-san would get a sequel but here we are. I won't sugarcoat this; it's garbage.
Story: 3/10
Haiyore! Nyaruko-san W is by far one of the most generic shows I have in some time. Its first season was barely passable as an anime and by god this season remains the same. The story picks off directly after the first with Mahiro housing crime fighting Nyaruko, Cthuko, and Hasuta. A bunch of stuff happens where the gang has to defeat bad guys bla bla bla. While I wish I could tell you what they did this season…I cannot recollect what the hell went on. I was just so mind numbingly bored that nothing really stuck through. The whole Nyaruko crushing on Mahiro continues this season with Cthuko even edging towards “the boy” early on in certain moments. These passes towards Mahiro though are a sad excuse for character development.
Animation: 4/10
Passable for maybe a 2010 anime. Some shots look good but they are far and few between.
Sound: 4/10
The voice actors did an ok job but since they mutter the same lines over and over again it gets quite boring and annoying. “Mahiro-san! Mahiro-san! Mahiro-san! Mahiro-san!” SHUT THE F$%K UP ALREADY! Also the generic soundtrack didn’t help the show out very much.
Characters: 2/10
Every character in this anime is just an empty shell of some sort of character type used in most anime. You have the shy (and over used) annoying male lead, the asserting female lead, and oh and a boy who wants Mahiro’s “D” and a girl who will swing for both teams. The characters did a piss poor job of providing any fun scenes. Literally every episode boils down to Nyaruko trying to get Mahiro to do something romantic while Cthuko and Hasuta try to cock block Nyaruko. Every episode just feels like the same events over and over and over again.
Overall: 3.3/10
The funny thing is this review is probably way too generous. The only reason I bothered finishing this season is because a friend overseas somehow likes the show and it provides funny things to rant on. I have no idea how people support this sorry excuse for an anime when all it can muster is average at best quality. The characters are annoying, the sound is average, the animation is garbage by today’s standards, and the plot is so unattractive; do yourself a favor and stay far away from this mess.
"Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru" Anime Review
***This is a spoiler free review***
With the total failure of Date a Live and utter disappointment of Suisei no Gargantia, it’s a good thing there were other decent shows. While I lost interest in Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru in the middle of its airing, the amazing cast really brought this anime home.Story: 5/10
So while the premise of the show really interested me, most of the content was just boring in my honest opinion. The show follows Hachiman, Yukino, and later on Yui as they help fellow classmates with their problems. While the cast interactions really made this show work, I was unfortunately just bored with what was going on. Essentially Hachiman and Yukino are somewhat reserved people who kind of have to be forced into situations in order to open up at all. This provides some really interesting banter between them but I did not like how other characters in the anime looked down on them. On the socially opposite side of the high school spectrum, you had the “cool” kids headed by Hayato and Yumiko who I despised immensely.
In pertaining to the actual plot of the anime, essentially it boils down to the club Hachiman is part of taking on different tasks set forth either by fellow classmates or the club monitor Shizuka. While some interesting moments come up in the show, it was overall pretty boring and average stuff. The final episode was pretty interesting and enjoying but overall the whole show just really felt like clever conversations with blandness in between.
Animation: 7.1/10
So the animation quality was entirely dependent on which ever character was on the screen. While the animation itself was fluid and good, the quality of each character was not. Characters Yukino, Shizuka, Haruno, Saika (I don’t care if he is a trap), and some others had great character models and looked great while on screen. Hachiman and Yui though each had certain things I completely disliked and was annoyed by. Hachiman had a very fish like appearance (which was probably on purpose but I still didn’t like it) and I found that in a lot of scenes his character didn’t animate as fluid as the others. Yui while very pretty in appearance had some serious hair issues. This might be an extremely superficial gripe but there was just no detail to her hair; it just looked like a mangled knot.
![]() | must resist! |
The voice actors deserve a 10/10 but the generic soundtrack really brought this anime down quite a bit. Starting with the bad, the soundtrack really just felt out of place and not adding what so ever to the anime. It was just uneventful and average at best. Now for the good; like for all the –monogatari series, dialogue plays a huge role in this anime. The back and forth bantering between characters was very well done and the voice actors did an excellent job. Both Hachiman and Yukino were awesome from episode 1-13.
Characters: 10/10
Hands down the best cast of this season and possibly last year as well. Both this show and Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko had really well knit characters that made whatever was going on extremely funny and/or interesting. In Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru the stars of the show was Hachiman and Yukino. Every single conversation that was focused on them was either funny, interesting, exciting, and/or cute. Hachiman while not a very interesting person to begin with was a pretty good male lead. He worked well with all the characters including the super cute and super trap Saika. He really made whatever situation the team was in better due to his “unique” insight. Yui (while a complete ditz) had a pretty big heart and served as a medium between the club and the “cool” kids. The club teacher Shizuka also had a huge impact on how the show turned out. Her constant meddling provided most of the situations the club got into.
The cast overall just felt so in-sync with each other. Even though some of the episodes really felt like there was no direction, the conversations between each character made it somewhat interesting.
Overall: 7.5/10
While boring in some parts, I have to recommend this anime to everyone looking for some laughs and enjoyment in the slice of life realm. The characters just make this show so interesting to watch and while the animation and sound isn’t overly great, they are good enough to help you enjoy what this anime has to offer.
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